The last few months the HP Microserver offering, the N40L, has been hitting sales highs due to a £100 cashback offer from HP. This effectively made the whole unit available for around £100 give or take. The basic spec is 2GB RAM, single 250GB SATA HDD and a AMD Turion II (Dual core) CPU.

Ideal and cheap boxes for testing with, however 2GB RAM isn’t enough, and neither is 250GB of disk space. First thing, the RAM since it’s relatively cheap the moment for DDR3. The N40L CAN and does support 16 GB of RAM contrary to HP’s own claim of a 8GB max, however it only has 2 DIMM slots so to get it to max capacity you need 2x8GB DIMMs.

List of total 16GB RAM modules known to be compatible with the N40L


Manufacturer Model Details ECC URL
Patriot PGD316G1333ELK 2 x 8 GB DDR3-1333 PC3-10666 CL9 G2 Series N Link
Crucial CT2KIT102464BA1339 2 x 8 GB DDR3-1333 PC3-10600 CL9 1.5v N Link
Gskill F3-1333C9D-16GAO 2 x 8 GB DDR3 1333 9-9-9-24 1.5v N Link
Corsair CMX8GX3M1A1333C9 8 GB XMS3 DDR3-1333 CL9 9-9-9-24 1.65v N Link
Kingston KVR1333D3E9S/8G 2x 8 GB DDR3-1333 ECC CL9 1.5v Y Link
Super Talent W1333EB8GS 8 GB DDR3-1333 PC3-10600 CL9 1.5v Y No Link
Transcend JM1333KLH-8G 8 GB DDR3-1333 PC3-10600 CL9 1.5v N Link

Doesn’t work with 16GB? Things to try…

You may need to set parity checking in BIOS to ‘enabled’ and for both 8GB modules to be recognised, once done set it back to ‘auto’ unless you are using ECC memory!

Some people report that the Corsair module, CMX8GX3M1A1333C9, is a bit fiddly & sometimes will recognise the full 16 GB and sometimes just 8 GB!

2 thought on “HP Microserver N40L bargain & the 16GB RAM confusion”
  1. Hi,

    I’ve just read through your entry on the N40L with 16GB installed. Can you remember where the parity checking option is in the BIOS? I’ve been going around in circles for quite some time and can’t seem to see it!!! Wasn’t sure if I was going mad or perhaps it’s only available in certain versions of the BIOS?? (by the way, what version of the BIOS are you running?)

    Many thanks 🙂


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