That time of year again, nearly anyway. My car was properly frosted today, first time for many months. So the cold weather is truly on its way in, can we expect snow early 2011 like we’ve had in previous years? I think we will.
I live on a non-gritted road, kind of like a cul-de-sac area, so moving from my drive to the nearest gritted road is a nightmare. BUT worse is getting my car back home, to and then onto my drive. Kind of mission impossible if the snow is bad or it has snowed while I have been away, my drive is on a gentle slope and my cars always struggle to get up. Last few years I’ve been struggling along with a regular garden spade, big socks, walking boots and the local councils grit.
This time round, I’m buying a snow spade/shovel – whatever you want to call it. Much like a regular shovel, but a wider/flatters base with a long handle which makes it easiers picking up that darn snow. Only around £15, but well worth the money! My boots are perfect, non-slip even on the worst of ice in the UK, the socks do a good job. This time around I’ve got some grit already stored, but i’ll collect some more before the snow actually hits.
Now as for the cars, are winter tyres really a valid option? Maybe, if I could be bothered to store 4 sets of tyres+rims year round and change them a couple of time per year. Worth doing if the snow starts to get worse over the next few years! I had this discussion with some friends last week, the consensus was that although highly useful in poor conditions it’s not worth the added expense right about now! Let it snow!