Hullo & thanks for visiting. I write stuff, quite often randomly and sometimes technical. I dabble in cloudy, devOp-sy stuff with the odd sprinkle of security. Anyway, enjoy cos I’m off to smoke me a kipper.
You can contact me directly at me at zulfikar.co.uk
While you’re here IF you like cooking wholesome healthy stuff or just love running in general then check out my wife’s blog here.
Salaam Zulfikar
With reference to your query on my blog about the NLP Introductory course: Yes – that is one of the topics I train at the Intro events – refer to the 2nd bullet point in the blog. Welcome to the course and I look forward to receiving your confirmation of booking.
Hi Salaam,
We have a Fujitsu celvin QR 802 NAS in our IT infrastructure. Recently we ungraded to latest firmware. Unfortunately we are unable to boot the NAS device after we upgraded it to the latest firmware.It keeps on restarting every now and then. I have removed the four hard disks from NAS device and boot the NAS from the live CD.Finally copied the firmware image into USB storage.However, this is not helping me to resolve the issue and the NAS keeps prompting EFI shell instead of normal booting.Can you please help me to resolve this issue??
Hi, you need to either raise a support ticket with Fujitsu OR ask on the QNAP forum for advice. The Celvin QR802 is just a rebranded QNAP, in this case I believe you have the QNAP TS-431U. Good luck.
Thank you Zulfikar, I will raise a ticket with Fujitsu
Hi Zulfikar, I’m trying to contact you on your email provided but it seems unavailable – Thanks