That ‘P’ at the end and the fact your battery has NFC written on the back (Near Field Communication – contactless payment etc.) causes a HUGE problem when buying a case for your phone. I got my new phone off O2, don’t know if the other providers provide the exact same model.

Basically the standard Galaxy S2 cases that clip on easily on previous models simply will not snap-on correctly with this specific model. You get the right side in, the left side pops out. Get the left side in and the right side pops out.

I tried with the official Samsung Galaxy ‘Mesh’ type case and it does not fit:

This review
on Amazon shows that the ‘case-mate barely there’ case doesn’t fit either

Which is this one:

So we’re taking about a difference of a fraction of a mm, but comparing my S2 to a slightly older one there is just no real visual difference aside from NFC stamped on the back. I’m still on a quest to get a case that fits, will update once I have some success!

5 thought on “Own the Samsung Galaxy S2 ‘i9100P’? Trying to buy a case? Good luck…”
  1. Mine’s an Orange version and I have had the same problem. The only case suitable for me at the moment is a black gel type one.

    I have tried all the mesh cases going and have had no luck (no sorry I did find a cheap chinese one that fitted and I was really happy – but it disintegrated after about a week).

    I really would like an official Samsung one though!

  2. Thanks for the update Rob, i’ve still had no luck getting a decent case. The accessory places just don’t seem to be aware of the difference.

    Looks like i’ll have to settle for a not so great gel type fitting too, at least for now.

    LoL @chinese imports!

  3. I’ve discovered this problem today! And I was so excited about my new phone. However, Im a resourceful lass and am currently filing down the plastic in my case (chinese import!), as you say its a few microns, and a nail file appears to be doing the job!!

    1. Nice one Katie, made me laugh! I’ve actually found a compact case of the type I want that does actually fit. It is a Zenus case, ‘Zenus Skin Air Jacket Series’, available from MobileFun in a variety of different colours/styles (£15-£20). I’ve tried the black one from a friends older S2 and it fit mine perfectly. Should last longer than the chinese imports!!!

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