Microsoft have decided to create a new Operating System designed for users! Yup, plain old folk like you and me. Now that is cause for celeberation. Windows 8 was a panic, a device centric response to the rise of touch tablets & smartphones from rival Operating System companies (i.e. OS X and Android). All hail Windows 10, designed for YOU. All hail Microsoft. All hail the Empor….ahem!

If you want to mess with the TP version, then do know that I easily installed it under vSphere 5, I simply set it as a new version 8.0 virtual machine and chose ‘Windows Server 2012 x64’ as the Operating System. It installed without any problems whatsoever. Others have had success with VMware Workstation.

Start Menu is back. All hail Mr Menu. We missed him. He’s back…or She’s back. Whatever, he’s gender neutral(!). Here he/she is in all his/her glory.

Return of the Start Menu
Return of the Start Menu

Oh and during the final steps of the installation phase it asks you to define a few options before ‘getting your PC ready’ and at one point in that long winded process this cryptic message comes up:

Taking care of WHAT exactly?

I did notice something though. When you click Start > All Apps the list presented is suspiciously similar to the menu list on a Nokia Lumia (and presumably other) Windows based phones. Will new Windows phones come with a start menu too? We can only hope(!)

It comes with Skype installed, and you need a ‘Microsoft’ account for it to define the first User with. Much like Android phones require you to have/setup a Gmail account. You get presented with a tile that is your ‘mail’ – in my case it had about 3 zillion unread e-mails!

Full windows deep dive tech analysis to follow. How different is it to previous Windows? Is the Hosts file still there in etc? Does Mr Paperclip make a glorious return (can only wish)? How does it translate between devices? What’s this OneDrive sync and how do I switch it off? Does this new version take care of your *ahem* problems (seems to claim to!). Coming soon…for now revel in the glory:

full windows 10 TP desktop
full windows 10 TP desktop

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