Yup, i’ve restarted in Server 2008 flavour similar courses to those I delivered in the year 2007 (at that time it was on Windows Server 2003!).
Again it is completely FREE, this time around I have 9 keen students 2 of whom are completely new to Windows Server of any flavour. Previously I delivered a classroom based course with 4 students, using the geneorsity of office space in the studios of www.unityfm.net, however this time around I’m using a combination of 2 completely free technologies to deliver these online and with minimal (well almost 0) cost, they are:
Skype – for audio confering for up to 20 people, Free, and the quality is amazing
DimDim – www.dimdim.com – the alternative to WebEx (or even the awful Live Meeting), again free, works brilliantly in sharing apps, whiteboards or my desktop. The guys can easily follow my actions in my VMs as I demonstrate!). Max 20 paticipants for the free version.
I started the once per week sessions 4 weeks ago, 12 sessions in total which should give each student enough knowledge to approach the MCP Exam 70-640 with confidence! I wish them luck!
Loving the training sessions so far mate keep it up!!! Very helpful and since ive started my knowledge has gone up a fair amount!!! 😀 Big thanks to you for taking the time out to do this!!!!